The Inventory program makes it easy for you to add/ delete, edit, run reports and most importantly keep track of all your inventory.
This program gives you access to Inventory Maintenance, Price List Maintenance, and Inventory List.
The program is still growing, so new options will continue to be added in the future.
Inventory Maintenance
Here you can create new inventory accounts, or look up an existing piece of inventory. This is where you set up all the information.
Price List Maintenance
Price List Item Maintenance is for maintaining all of your available parts.
Any time you need to add a new part to choose from or change the retail price or inactivate/ activate a part, this is the place to go!
You can create your very own report just the way you want it. Easy.
Inventory List
Inventory List gives you one report with all of your inventory. Whether you need to see active inventory or inactive you can see it all here.
This report gives you every detail you need to know about your pieces. Don’t worry, if the report shows too much its easy to remove/ add columns.